Friday, August 14, 2009


I just want to say that God answers prayers....I am convinced. But, it might be 10 years later.

I am thankful for my husband. He TRULY has become the man that I DREAMED and PRAYED about marrying.....10 years ago. He was the boy that I could not give up on as a freshman in college...that I just HAD to stick with....I now know why. God answered my prayers.

I wanted to marry a young life leader. I wanted to be a youth group leader. Back then, I think I wanted it all for the wrong reasons. Now, I know the right reasons to want that kind of person....and I have that kind of husband.

You want to marry that kind of person because they love God. Because they want to know God, serve God selflessly, love him more. Ben is becoming this person more and more.

Every Wednesday am Ben is getting up for bible study. Every Sunday we go to church, without a fight or question. AND he is leading the youth group. WITH excitement, and passion, and knowledge, and prayer. WOW WOW WOW. We go to youth cookouts, and plan get togethers, and try to get to know the students! And, I am NOT dragging him. at all.

This is without a doubt the work of God. I am thankful and grateful. And thankful and grateful for Rick and Neil and Matt who have played an integral part in the work of God in Ben!


too comfortable?

We have officially been living the vagabond life for over 6 months. A "house" is in the forcast...and it scares me. Am I too comfortable here at 3638 Tanglebrook Trail? Not sure...

You know, bad things can happen when you get too comfortable. You get lazy. You forget what is important, you take things for granted. I REALLY hope that is not happening...but I must admit, I'm nervous about our next adventure. Excited, yes. Prayerful, yes. Do I think it is the best decision, yes. But, it is going to be different.

So, the update...we are waiting on paperwork & a dirtbike to sell, so we can close on the Hampton House. If it all goes though....I"m thinking we will go ahead & move in...and then we will finialze all of the reonvations that need to be done. (kitchen, downstairs, living room). Andrew has been living there, obviously. I hope he realizes that his bachelor pad is about to get crashed with baby toys, "noggin", 8pm bedtimes, cz dance parties, and prayer groups. Please pray. I'm a little anxious.

I'm super excited about my own bedroom....but even more, Charlotte's own bedroom! I think she will enjoy it. Even though, I'm hoping she won't hate us after we move out....away from Papa! She LOVES loves LOVES it here.

I'm excited about windows, obviously.

I'm neverous about the "I want's." I want...a for the front porch.....paint for the back shed, so I can turn it into a play house.....a decorate.....blah blah.

Jesus, please be with the Hampton house. Andrew. Ben. Liz, Charlotte. Molly. Bitzy. A home for Bandet?! Our tight space. Our friends. Our time together. Meal-time. Fun-time. Please make the details fall into place, or not. Make it a house that honors you :) AMEN.