Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"How are you?"

Charlotte answered, "good." A real conversation with a 20 month old :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Slumber Party...

at OUR crib! What fun! Scott & Ericka came into town last night for my 30th Birthday :) They took us out to dinner and we had a slumber party at 3638 Tanglebrook Trail. I must say, having guests at our house was a big enough present. Seriously! I really have missed having company over the past 9 months. It was nice to clean up and have people over. AND, OF COURSE to see our good friends! I kept asking Charlotte, who is coming to visit? And we would say "Ericka, Scott." And, she would look at me with very confused eyes, "and Crash??" That is their cat. She didn't understand why the cat wasn't coming. She loves animals so so so much.

Anyways, Ericka & Scott...thanks for a great great birthday present!

Oh, and we stayed up until, I think ALMOST midnight....laughing at YouTube videos, trying to "stay young." Laughing is so good for you. And, wine is too.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Lies in an afternoon with Charlotte!! SHE is a breath of fresh air. SO SO much fun. FULL of kisses. The cutest strut/run. We got to the pumpkin patch and she quickly said "punkin," which I didn't even know she knew. She wanted to kiss and hug the pumpkins and sit on them. FUN.
I thought we would take Monique to the park. I didn't know that Charlotte would hold on quite as tight to her as she did. They went on the swings, down the slides and though the sand. Charlotte is becoming more and more girlie! Uh oh! She got her hands in the sand, and says "ohh, mess!" and wipes off the dirt. Cute!
Her favorite things: "swing, swing," "POP(corn)," her babies, talking on the phone, dogs, animals, her grandparents, her "duchie" book .
Charlotte bring so much LAUGHTER and LOVE to this LIFE. Oh, you can tell her to laugh, and she will put her head back and giggle. She stomps, claps, and dances. In the car we sing to anything....our thumbs, gully (which the little rebel calls a PACI), cup, shoes.
FUN. FUN. FUN. Can I call in sick to school again tomorrow?? I wish!

Monday, October 19, 2009

What am I complaining about anyways???

You name it. School. National Boards. Getting ready to pay a mortgage on a house that isn't ready to live in yet. Ugh. Ben's shop & Safety!!!!! No more Art Cue :( Missing my friends....everyone is sooo busy. Overwhelmed with the to-do list I can't find. Anxious.


Cheap Therapy...

I have really been wondering if I should see a therapist, get drugs, or drink more. Not kidding. I've been anxious and worried and not able to RE-mother-!#$*lax. That is a Cameron term. I know that I have the "right" college degree...."Communication Studies" because some of my classes ring in my head frequently. I really think if I can communicate my "issues" clearly.....through ART, the poor friend that ends up hearing too much, talking to Ben, or writing than I can deal with what life puts in my path. Lately that has been hard.

Yesterday's therapy came in the form of conversation with the parents, some "free" food, and two glasses of cheap wine (sorry dad, not trying to call you out. I don't have a problem with cheap wine!). I got to hear the "been there, done that" story from my parents. The, "I was pregnant with you when your dad got fired 2 times, and we moved 5 times. Lived on a mattress at Granny's house, Grampa wasn't even living at home. Lived in a hotel. Lived with friends. Didn't have a pot to piss in," story.

It helped.

Inquire the story of others! Get out of your box. I'm trying to "take off my grumpy shoes."


I miss. I've been grumpy and down in the dumps in complaining land. It's hard to be a good friend when you are grumpy. Sorry guys...

This shall pass.

Friday, October 9, 2009

I am waiting patiently....

This is a song that Cousin Kayla sings. Charlotte and I were singing it yesterday as we were waiting to go to the fair. She kept repeating "patient" over and over.

I need to repeat that over and over.

So, we are waiting. Waiting for the deed to the house...then to frame in the carport. Then to get the inspector. Then to do plumbing, then to get the inspector. Then to do electrical work. Then to get the inspector.

All of this work is to be done on Sundays! When Ben & Andrew are free. Pray that it doesn't rain on any Sundays! yikes....

For now, we are waiting to move in until some of the work is done.

Ben wants to have our annual "Thankful for our friends" party at our new house......we shall see.
