Friday, October 14, 2011


I love the text updates I often get throughout the day from my amazing caregiver, my mom. This was today:

"But my mouth doesn't want to stop whining."

"Do you know why I don't like macaroni? Because it has holes in it and it hurts my belly."

"The peanut butter sandwich doesn't want me to eat it...and I'm going to do whatever it says."

"I want pistachios because they always make my belly feel better."

"Ama, what are you writing?" "Oh, a grocery list."

This sums up Charlotte this week. Difficult. There aren't many weeks like this, but this week has been a rough one. She challenges everything you say. "Do you want nuggets, and peas?" Yes, she will respond. And, then give you every excuse under the sun as to why she should not eat it.

The funny thing is, she knows she's being annoying. In the car each afternoon this week, she has given herself a lecture. A lecture on: listening, not using your whiny voice, and using nice words. She gets it. Hopefully she will start listening to her own lectures.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Need To Blog

I feel a need to blog if its been a while since a post. I miss an old fashioned diary, but in lots of ways this is more fun. I like being able to share...and I don't really care if anyone reads it or is therapy. Free therapy. I miss my wine therapy though, I must say.

Why I blog:
1. Something happens I want to remember that is:
a. good
b. challenging
c. character building
2. I'm irritated, frustrated, or annoyed.
3. I'm encouraged.
4. I need to vent.

So, today...I need to remember the good. And, I need to vent. Both, to follow. I do always try to keep it honest. There is the good, the bad, the challenging, and the adorable...sometimes these all exist in the same moment. I appreciate blogs that are real.

Why do you blog?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Anna Jayne

I love you. Oh, the wait for you has been for years :). I can't wait to hold you and kiss you and watch you grow.  10.9.11, a perfect day for your birthday. Now, get out of the nursery so we can stare more closely!!