Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Need To Blog

I feel a need to blog if its been a while since a post. I miss an old fashioned diary, but in lots of ways this is more fun. I like being able to share...and I don't really care if anyone reads it or is therapy. Free therapy. I miss my wine therapy though, I must say.

Why I blog:
1. Something happens I want to remember that is:
a. good
b. challenging
c. character building
2. I'm irritated, frustrated, or annoyed.
3. I'm encouraged.
4. I need to vent.

So, today...I need to remember the good. And, I need to vent. Both, to follow. I do always try to keep it honest. There is the good, the bad, the challenging, and the adorable...sometimes these all exist in the same moment. I appreciate blogs that are real.

Why do you blog?

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