Monday, November 29, 2010

I Rested.

Sure did. Five days of no school. Thanksgiving break. And, I rested.

So, today, reality hits me back in the face. Is it okay to actually rest? My house is clean. My socks are matched. I even cooked once, which is big for me.

And, I'm not going to feel guilty that I didn't do any school work.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thankful for my husband.

Yup, that is what I said! He has been working SO hard, joyfully. He has been HOME. And, we have enjoyed each other's company :) yippee!

My husband has been making me smile by:
* "Monday's I eat at my parents. He was home working on the garage, another messed up project at home. "Can I still go? Or is there something you want me to do at home?" I ask.
"You can go, as long as you will have cheese & crackers and a glass of wine with me when you get home," he responded. WHAT?!! Okay, I like that answer. Where is my husband, you are acting wierd. "Just trying new things, that's all." Well, it is working. Love it!

* He closed the shower curtain & made the bed. I know he did this for me.