Monday, September 26, 2011


This morning I choose (for the first time in months) to start the day reading the bible, instead of reading facebook (pathetic, I know).

This is some of Luke 1, totally paraphrased:

"Mary, you have nothing to fear. God has a suprise for you: You will become pregnant."

Mary was scared. "An angel answered, The Holy Spirit will come upon you, the power of the Hightest will hover over you." How could you not feel better?

Mary, a virgin, became pregnant. God spoke. God answered. Mary, was a willing recepient of Gods will. "Nothing you see, is impossible with God" (v.37). "And Mary said, Yes, I see it all now: I'm the Lord's maid, ready to serve. Let it be with me just as you say." (v. 38)


I was reading from the Message, which I think is a little out there, but I liked the change of tone.
And, it was exactly what I needed to hear. I am by no means Mary. But, I do believe that me getting pregnant was as much of a God thing as it was anything. I was petrified of getting pregnant again. Until, Ben said, "hey, wanna have another kid?" I freaked out. Then, with a lot of praying and some good Christian company, I really felt like God said, "don't be afraid. Another kid will be different, but it will be a gift from Me. It will be yours, for a while, and it will be a blessing to others." I saw siblings that were equal gifts, each a blessing, and my fears were calmed.

My house and the details of my "life" are so often a disaster. But, God is so much bigger than those details. And, I needed a reminder. Amazing that I found it with a half attempted search.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Family time!

Charlotte woke up happy. We almost got to church on time. The air felt like fall. CZ looked especially big today, in a super cute hand-be-down. She can wear a size 4 baby is getting so big. We had a few debates over which purse to take, and how many. It was a perfect day.

In church Will mentioned fried chicken. I forgot the rest of the sermon and couldn't get my mind off of fried chicken, and cucumbers with vinegar (my new obsession). We went to Meta's downtown for lunch. Soul food at its best. It was delicious.

After our bellies were fatter and happier, I noticed some great picture op's. Ben coorporated and even took some pictures. And, we ended up having a great time. CZ is into making faces, and these end up coming out much more often than "normal" smiles. What can I say other than "that's my girl?"

I am so thankful for my family. I so enjoyed this afternoon that turned out picture perfect. I treasure the moments like this.

Friday, September 16, 2011

So cool.

I love this little baby.

Some moments I skip, some moments I freak out a little bit, others I tell my class over and over and over I want a biscuit. This morning, a student appeared with a biscuit, for Pepper! Fun! So, now it just has to grow and form :) And we will talk about Pepper, debate a name, and pray. Charlotte knows she is going to be a big sister. For me, there is a lot of relief knowing that she knows. More than anything (well except health), I pray that CZ and Pepper will be friends. I know they won't always be, but I really want them to have a good relationship.

The night we told her, she rubbed my belly and said "I want my baby, now!" CZ is all about her babies, and I have no doubt she will think she is the mommy. The other funny thing she said is that she wanted to name it "Emma Kate" (our good friends daughter) or "Anna or Parker" (the name of the Dralle Bean). I assured her we had to think of something new. CZ and Ben had adaughter/daddy date and came home with Big Sister/New Baby books. Sweetly, they read this as their nightime books. Ben is looking forward to extra CZ time come April. I just reminded him to not leave me abandoned :) Oh, and this could be an Easter baby.

A fun journey.

Friday, September 9, 2011


I love the feeling of being excited, no more than any other feeling. Being excited gets my adreneline pumping, I feel alive, I want to skip, I want to draw, I want to give thanks. I am excited. Here's a list (as my cuz loves to do) of what I'm excited about on this Friday.

2. A growing learning fun joyful CZ
3. A husband who has been home lately
4. PUMPKIN spice latte'-decaf
5. QT with my bible study gals!
6. The spirit of fall
7. Art Shows coming up!
8. New art I've created
9. New Students
10. BLONDE highlights