Friday, October 29, 2010

Side pony tails make me happy.

A year ago my best friends and great family pulled me out of near depression with the best surprise birthday Halloween party ever. I will never forget my 30th birthday, the huge act of thoughtfulness, and how it saved my spirit. It was wonderful. And the memories are vivid, especially this week.

"Mommy, where is my costume?" Charlotte said as we both were sporting dark blue eye liner that formed a cute little swirl. High pony tails, lots of lime green, all of the necklaces we could find, jean skirts and polka dot tights. We were 80's rock stars and CZ sported it way to comfortably.

Heather's favorite holiday is Halloween. Her excitement is contagious and her Halloween hospitality is so fun. Blue Moon, yummy pumpkin ziti, and music to dance too was good. But what was even better was my hubby showing up at 6! Wow, that was cool. We were up too late, I think I should maybe be embarrassed but it was so fun.

I am enjoying my birthday week. I decided it began Wednesday night at an enjoyable dinner with Neel, Mollie & sweet Emma. Oops, I just remembered that CZ spilled a full glass of tea in Emma's carseat.

On my birthday week, I am going to try extra hard to look past the junk and mess to find the party and fun. CZ and I choose this the other day. The house is a WRECK (yes, I know yours is too. But you do not know wreck. promise) BUT, we found the remote. Blared some bluegrass music and "danced monkey danced!" We found the fun amidst the laundry hiding underneath sawdust.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Ready to blog again.

If we lived in Italy we would hang out clothes out to dry. What would we do on days like today? Do you just not do laundry? Or do you just let the rain drops rinse it out?
Reflecting. Feeling overwhelmed. And like I was living someone elses life just a week ago.