Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What's DRASTICAL in March

Drastical is in the details.

From my experience these "drastical" days, it is much easier to live drastically when you are in the midst of turmoil, major change, up-heavel (is that a word?). When you are scared. When you don't know what tomorrow will bring. When you have to act NOW. It is easy to act drastical when you can totally hear God speaking to you, "move."

So, how do you live drastically when you have established a new normal. I really think it is important to continue living drastically. But, it is not as easy when you know what tomorrow will bring. When you aren't as worried. Does that mean when you have become complacent?

Anyways, that all sounds pretty fluffy. But, my point is....I'm not doing a good job at drastical lately.

Drastical to me is....Mastering the ordinary.
Drasitcal is managing the details.
Drastical is PRAYING during the ORDINARY. Praying when things are going "okay."
Drastical is stepping outside of yourself...finding the energy/time to help others.
Drastical is not losing my to-do list.
Drastical is DEPENDING ON GOD everyday. Not just when things get crappy. EVERYDAY.
Drastical is doing what pleases God, not me, not everyone else. That can be hard.

How are you doing with drastical lately?

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