Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A leap of a birthday

Three years ago, as CZ's birthday approached, I remember one (of many) freak out moments. The "am I really pregnant" "am I really going to have to go to the hospital" "is it going to hurt" "can 9 months really be over" "I am going to be A MOM" moments. One occured when I was grocery shopping and the expiration date on the milk was 02-19-08. That was when I knew it was really getting close. So, three years later as we finished this galloon of milk, I remember carrying my sweet CZ around in my belly, how she was still when I was nervous, how I ate a bunch of pineapple, and getting an IV wasn't the end of the world. And, being a mom is the best ever, especially when I can call Charlotte my baby.

Having a "leap year" birthday is a little strange though. We totally celebrated all day on Sunday, Feb. 27th. There was so much excitement built around that day...that I didn't try to explain her when her "real" birthday was. I kind of felt like a bad mom...but about anything can make you feel that way if you let it. Next year she will get it. Duh, she will actually get a party on the 29th! As I went to bed Monday night I just kept thinking: somewhere in the mystery of today and tomorrow Charlotte was born. Cool.

On her birthday morning (well, we celebrated on Sunday, Feb. 27), we had a yummy breakfast, enjoyed snuggling, and tried to not jump out of our skin with excitement! This was the first year Charlotte really got excited about her birthday. She practiced singing to herself a ton...and it paid off as she sang along with everyone else at her party!

I have a feeling "three" might be our two! As she stuck out her tongue, begged to eat cake, and whined about almost everything...prior to her party. She covered up her morning grumpiness just fine at her party. Thank goodness.

As she opened each present, she very sweetly looked at each person in the eye and said "thank you soooo much." She grinned, smiled, and added "oh stinkin' cute" to all of the gifts that were clothes. Yes, she got two new babies...just what she wanted....actually three.
Cora and Kate sweetly posed for a picture on the awesome stool that Heather painted for CZ. CZ loves it and also was super cute when she opened the blanket that Tonia made for her. She quickly snuggled right up into it on the floor. It was really fun watching her open her gifts. She is spoiled rotten, yes. But, hopefully super grateful too.
It was a fun party. A super amazing Hello Kitty cake, Hello Kitty posters, a cardboard house for the kids to paint, and lots of art activities. There were stamp pads for the families to make fingerprint characters, and pots to paint and plant flowers. The highlight was looking back as CZ opened her gifts to see Matt, Neil, Tonia and Ben concentrating on painting their pots. It was hallarious. All ages had a good time :)
So, back down to reality. Charlotte loves LOVES loves her new (to her straight from the Cocharanes) art table. Hours of studio time have already been enjoyed.
I love Charlotte. I love everyone that loves her. I feel lucky, blessed, and grateful for everyone that showers her with love. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. 1. im glad you had those freak out moments about pregnancy because if i ever get married and have a baby, i WILL call you with all of those thoughts and youll have been a few steps ahead of me!

    2. you are a fabulous mom who teaches CZ about our family, how to give thanks, how to love Jesus, etc... and I admire you for that.

    3. I want to be at the next birthday party!!!
