Monday, January 19, 2009

Moving to the Adventure Home

January 19, 2009

“Live like no one else. So you can live like no one else.” Dave Ramsey

Some of you all are going to start reading this and wonder if we’ve stopped using deodorant and eating meat. Others of you will say, that is so Ben & Liz. This is an update on the Miller’s. Brace yourself, it is kind of “drastical.”

Our colorful townhouse (below) is now rental property. We now live in my in-laws basement.

Huh, when did all of this come about? Well, January 1st after a major reality check, talk with God, look at the budget, and some tears Ben and I realized that the amount of money we are in debt is huge. Why? Mainly the start up cost of a business, some of life in general. One day when we are debt free, I’ll tell you the amount…and you will surely be impressed! And, for that day to come quicker, we have decided to start living DRASTICALLY.

January 1st I put our townhouse on craigslist. February 1st it is officially rented.

Let me clarify, when I say my in-laws basement, this is not nearly the dim picture that this phrase paints. Pam and Bill are incredibly welcoming yet respectful of our space. Basement means a 800 sq. foot living room, bedroom, and bathroom. When we first talked this idea over with Pam and Bill, Pam called back an hour later and said, “there is one problem, Charlotte being too spoiled!” This is not a bad gig.

Hopefully this “drastical vagabond adventure” will have drastical, positive, long lasting effects on life as a Miller.

I don’t know about you, but there are those times in life when God whispers something to you. You hear it, and do nothing. Sometimes that whisper gets louder. I turn up the music, get busier, make a to-do list. And, then that whisper becomes a clear conversation. Act, move, go, do. That has meant start a car lot. That has meant have a baby. That has meant make art. That has meant join a church. And, now it means pay attention to the details of life. And, those details start with Ben & I learning to hear that whisper everyday.

Dave Ramsey says, “Live like no one else, so you can live like no one else.” Hopefully if we really pay attention to that whisper, and that green stuff that can so easily control our lives, we will be able to make great strides on this task.

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