Friday, January 2, 2009

Reflections over cheap wine...

January 2, 2009
12:00 a.m.

Reflections through a glass of cheap wine.
This is raw. I hope it is at least. If we lie, what do we gain. First, I must say that praying and drinking wine can co-exist.


And, my worries are only DRASTICALITIES.

What are those?

Will I be able to drink wine in my mother in-laws basement. Or will I have to use a Dixie cup. Who cares? That is just a drasticality.

I just googled drasticality. And, I LOVE that nothing worth while pops up.

This is all just a drasticality. Can I create art in a basement?

These are my prayers:
For my talents and Ben’s talents to be used, drastically.
For our townhouse to be rented (hopefully by good renters) quickly.
For me to enjoy by job and persue it with passion.
To be comfortable living with Pam and Bill.
To please God through this process.
For Charlotte to be loved fully, taught, and for her to know God.
Family! Friends!

WHY is it SO hard to part with JUNK that you don’t like and don’t need?? I haven’t touched this stuff in years. So, why is it SO hard to introduce it to the trash can? Even when I know that I will be so relieved when it was gone.

IF YOU were to go back to college for a year….now….what would you take? Would you put a fridge in your room? Would you take pictures from elementary school? PART WITH THIS STUFF.

I am inspired by Jesus. The Fly Lady. Dave Ramsey. My BF group. My Husband for his guts. Tonia for her selfless spirit. Sarah for her drive and motivation. Ericka for her being so sensitive and constant over time. Heather for her intuition and the way she just -knows what I’m saying. Dee for her energy. Christine for her matter-of-fact-ness and no drama nature. My mom for her patience and love for kids. My dad for his advise and calm nature. Kayla and the way she adores Charlotte and is so stinkin’ smart and respectful.

I am inspired by Taylor Swift to live FEARLESSLY.

I am inspired by Jesus. He was not on earth long. He lived perfectly. Did you ever stop to wonder what that looked like at 5 years old? I just love Him. I love that he wanted to help people. That he knows what we need. That he takes that brut of all of our ick-iness. And, that he was willing to DIE for us. WOW. That is just huge. And, I’m sorry that I am not capatilizing HE. But, we all know that He is he is Jesus. I am inspired by the way that he heals people that do not deserve it. I am inspired by the way that he loves everyone. I am inspired by the way that he shows that he is real when you ask him to. I am inspired by the way that he is evident in my life admist uncertainty. I am inspired by Jesus.

And, I want you to know that I am drinking wine. And, I am Baptist. Above all, I am a Christian, I am a follower of Jesus. And, He (capitalized HE) turned water into wine. I am thankful for the freedom and the honesty that wine brings.

Back to cleaning……

DRASTICAL: is an interesting way of cleaning house. Put your house up for rent. TODAY. Move out in 2 weeks. DRASTICAL

Drastical: Having the guts to get rid of clothes that don’t fit, and admitting that they will never fit again.
Drastical: Is going to UPS, them telling you it will be $22, and saying “NO THANKS” and going to the Post Office and paying $14. That is drastical.

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