Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tokens of joy

Tokens of joy. A growing belly. Art that CZ carries everywhere, that has become my favorite. Candles and a sombrero. Jewelry that signifies my sweet baby. A new "tea" cup. A new devotional. A free trip to Starbucks. Fresh flowers. FB messages. Happy Birthday sung by two year olds for the first time. Or, homemade birthday parties that your three year old is still insisting of having every afternoon in the studio. Tokens I treasure.

32, a reflection

-CZ is was a "frog princess" for Halloween.
-Liz was a "piece of work" & Ben was Dr. Phil. He pulled it off so well, it freaked me out. totally. --Fun party at Heather's house.
-Love weekly bible study, even when I feel too busy for it.
-Still seeking peace in this journey called life...the house...liveable yet floats between comfortable and project hell.
-Still in crazy debt. Semi-ignoring the issues, not seeing the light. But, trusting that we will figure it all out. We have jobs, and do not make irrational decisions, any more. Usually.
-Prego with Pepper....what a joy after those last bullet marks.
-Trying to not stress about a new baby or freak out to the comment, "oh I bet you are having fun planning the nursery." Not quite sure where the baby will sleep. Probably as the Miller's have coined, "Willy Wonka Style." We all just snuggle up and fall asleep. Oh my.
-SO SO thankful for my family. ALL of my family. They make my life so much more joy filled and they never add to my stress. That is so much to be thankful for.
I like my job.
-I am prego exhausted and drink coffee at 3pm.
-I have the best little girl ever. "Mom. MOMMM. MOM," Cz is yelling. "WHAT?!" "I love you," she responds. I love how she is so loving. And, I treasure the time I have with her.
-I am thankful for my friends. I'm excited about all of the new babies around. Even though, just like them, I am waiting for a new normal to surface.
-My husband is cute, not in a Dr. Phil costume though. I love how he teaches Sunday School, I love to see him talking with the kids. I LOVE that he painted a butterfly on CZ's face before school today. I enjoyed out lunch date. We are in a good place. We don't freak out about the scary parts of life. We together are thankful and optimistic. And, I forgive him for leaving for VEGAS for a freakin' week...on my birthday.

Birthdays are fun. They make you nostalgic. They make you analyze what in the heck you have done or accomplished the past year. Are you better off? Have you made headway? What does my life look like? You can choose to be sad....seriously, I'm 32, in debt, a project house, and lots of loose ends. Or you can choose to rejoice. REJOICE. Another year. Blessings galore. So many things but most importantly, relationships and "gifts" to be thankful for. And, I am very thankful for week #17...a little more energy. Thanks pepper! I love you all who read this. In some way, you make my life "rich," and that is what matters.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this. I am learning this too... look at all that I do have instead of dwelling on what I don't- totally changes how I live my days :) I so wish I could just drive to Winston and see you and have Starbucks together and chat... too bad I moved 2 hours farther from you. And wish I was seeing you at Thanksgiving. I love you and cherish you and admire you! xoxo cuz
